The Holocaust Industry
2011. Search the Jewish magazine Commentary, which is a kind experienced boom of the seventies, shows 993 articles on the subject of the Holocaust. Daily newspaper Jerusalem Post, Israel's best-selling English newspaper, the Holocaust tackles in 1495 articles. Holocaust industry obviously does not stop its production facilities. As the whole story began, when and why they actually appeared intensely the memory of the Holocaust?
Norman G. Finkelstein in his book The Holocaust Industry explains the circumstances in which the Jews decided to "remember" the Holocaust and the way it has thrived so-called Holocaust industry, ie the purposes for which the Holocaust is used in the past few decades. Finkelstein is an American-Jewish historian, a Ph.D. from Princeton, Department of Political Science. For many years studying the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the author of six books. Finkelstein public appearances caused numerous controversies about his life was taken and documentary American Radical. His parents survived the Holocaust, which is often mentioned in order to gain the legitimacy, because, unfortunately, otherwise hardly criticize the policies of Israel and American Jewish elites.
The Holocaust and the United States - silence
According to Finkelstein, the Nazi Holocaust is almost the only issue that still has echoes in the university classroom, but until recently the Nazi Holocaust is hardly existed in American life. Not just Americans in general, but also American Jews ignored the Nazi Holocaust. The standard explanation is that the Jews were traumatized by the Nazi Holocaust, and suppressed the memory of him. But Finkelstein says in the conclusion there is no evidence. The real reason for public silence was conformist politics of American Jewish leadership and the political climate of post-war America. And on the domestic and international level American Jewish elites have adapted to the official U.S. policy. Germany has since 1949 been a crucial U.S. ally in the conflict with the Soviet Union, so the final solution was taboo for the American Jewish elite. American Judaism appealing to the Nazi holocaust in a specific context - in an attack on the USSR, there was an equalization of the Nazi final solution to the Russian anti-Semitism, which was reflected in statements such as"Stalin would succed where Hitler failed".
Reversal in 1967 - a phenomenon of the Holocaust Industry
Everything changed with the Arab-Israeli war in June 1967. The standard explanation for this transformation is that the extreme isolation and vulnerability of Israel during the war in June revived memories of the Nazi extermination. However, the position of the leading American Jewish organization has followed the official U.S. policy in its views toward Israel. Only 1 in 20 American Jews had a desire to visit Israel before June 1967 Regardless of their political orientation, the American Jewish intellectuals proved to be especially indifferent to the fate Isarel. Ironically, as the only Noam Chomsky and Hannah Arendt commented on the position of Israel before 1967. Then came the June war. Under the impression of the superiority of his forces, the U.S. has decided to do Israel, its strategic confidant. Zionism arose from the assumption that assimilation is futile dream, that the Jews are always seen as a potential unfair foreigners. To resolve this dispute Zionists have tried to build a homeland for Jews.
Israeli-Palestinian conflict,
Favorite position again after the birth of the Jews in 1967 was implicitly comparing the open support of Israel, who allegedly threatened from all sides, with the timidity of American Jews during the Holocaust. In order to protect its strategic footing, American Jewish elites "remembered" the Holocaust. Holocaust industry emerged only after a striking display of military superiority and flourished in parallel with the final Israeli triumphalism. Ideological altered, the Holocaust has proven to be the perfect weapon to disable the criticism of Israel. Finkelstein argues that the concerns expressed in remembrance of the Holocaust was just as artificial and expressed concern for the fate of Israel.
"When the Holocaust was the freshest in the memory of American leaders, the first 25 years after the end of the war, the U.S. was the least ready to assist Israel. U.S. to help Israel has not changed from a small splash in the real flood in the moment when Israel is considered weak and vulnerable, but when he showed his strength in the Six Day War. "
The Holocaust and identity - "Jews are better"
Each identity is grounded in a particular historical oppression. Accordingly, the Jews sought the identity of the Holocaust. However, among groups that have declared that they are victims, including African Americans, Latinos, indigenous American, only Jews are not inferior in American society. In fact, identity politics and the Holocaust have not caught root among the Jews because of the victim, but because they are not victims. Just as many Jews were kept at a safe distance from Israel when it was inappropriate and became born again Zionists when it became an advantage, tao many concealed their ethnic identity until it was inappropriate to become re-born Jews when became an advantage. Finkelstein says the story of worldly success of the Jews with the main, perhaps only the dogma of their newfound Jewish identity - the mentality of "the Jews are better". The Holocaust has been used to justify the Jewish choseness.
Holocaust industry,
"The new anti-Semitism" and tensions with African-Americans
By the end of the 1970s anti-Semitism was no longer a major factor in American society. However, Jewish leaders began to alarm the fact that American Jews are threatened by a powerful "new antisemitism". For American Jewish organizations that designed the new anti-Semitism hysteria for Multi-link was useful. Raise the price of Israel as a last resort if they need it to American Jews. Due to shortage of anti-Semitism erupted in recent years a strong rivalry between the major Jewish "defense organization" - ADL and the Simon Wiesenthal Center. What are American Jews achieved greater material success, the more they neared the political right. The Jews were all conservative in politics and the economy, which has led to rising tensions between Jews and African Americans. "It is apparent that the evocation of persecution from the past draws attention to the criticism in the present. In addition, the system envisioned Holocaust anti-Semitism as a strictly irrational hatred of Jews. Exclude the possibility that bias against the Jews can be grounded in a real conflict of interest. "manage those who are least able to defend yourself, it's real content returned to the courage of American Jewish organizations, which could be seen in relation to African-Americans, says Finkelstein.
Finkelstein, American radical,
Holocaust industry was born in 1967. He lives to the fullest the last 44 years. When you are going to die and can even die in a world that is constantly, for various reasons, frantically grabs for the past? Each new wheel in the production of this industry, the new depreciation and shameless prostitution of all those to whom the Holocaust had nothing to do with political profitability and financial success, those whose lives were erased painful move, suddenly and without question.
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